Game answers for ITV gsn..


Millionaires Special Editions
Weakest link
Super Password
Password Plus
GSN's Trivia Game
Block Busters
Spinning Daisy For "Happiness"
Daisy, Spinning
A taste of Spring

Coffee Anyone?
Violet Tumbling Mug

Super Password

Lauri Hendle/ Pat Sajak

1. entertainment/ visual /recording/ tape /vhs= VCR

cash word  house/ ceiling /bulb =light

2. words /colors/ reference/ road/ legend =maps

speed round

boat/weight =anchor

money/vault =bank

sweet/sugar =candy

flower/petals =daisy

money/budget =economy

3. office/ writing/ graphite /wood/ Number 2= pencil

4. geology /water/ fresh/ inland /Huron =Lake

cash word

food /green/ iceberg= salad



1. Thing/Office/Metal/Paper/Money= Clip

2. Thing/Dairy/Cracker/Brie/Rind= Cheese


Medicene/Blue/E.D.= Viagra

3. Animal/ wings/ small/ honey/ Queen= Bee

(Speed Round)


Organ/Mind= Brain

Pottery-Earth= Clay 

Small-Short= Dwarf 

Joint-Arm= Elbow

4. Place/ City/ Southwest/ Desert/ Arizona= Phoenix                    


    4-11-06  Greg and Pam players/actors- Constance & Tom Villard (# 407)

Technology/Office/Communication/Video/Trinitron= TV
 Country/West/South America/ Mountains/ Incas= Peru

Cashword= Animal/Fowl/Thanksgiving= Turkey

City/ Transportation/ Ground/ Large/ Greyhound= Bus
 Beverage/Alcohol/ Barrels/ Napa/ Cabernet= Wine

Speed Round- 
Sharp-Blow= Arrow
Construct-Create= Build
Vegetable-Green= Celery
 Sleep-College= Dormetory
 Sound-Reverb= Echo 



 Charles Shawnessy & Betty White

1. Food / Natural/ Dairy/ Creamy/ Churn= Butter
 2. Body / Clothing/ Neck/ Bow / Windsor= Tie             

                  Cash Word
Anarctica/ Animal/ Emperor= Penguin

3. Wealth / Man/ New York/ Real Estate/ Apprentice= Trump
4. Electronis/ Communication/ Sound/ Air/ FM = Radio
5. Food/ Steal/ Utensil/ Sharp/ Tine= Fork

(END) (will start with the speed round tomorrow) (Michelle won)


Speed Round-

Appendage- biceps= arms

oven- bread=bake

sound- applause= clap (but it buzzed me)

Hole-Dig= Ditch

Attempt- ? = ?

1. earth-region-cold-seals-bears= arctic

2. thing-animal-land-fur-tiger= Cat


nutrition-meal-evening= Dinner

3. time-season-warm-indian=july= Summer

speed round..

oxygen-atmosphere= air

loud-noise= bang

accident-hit- = crash

saliva-mouth= drool

planet- world= Earth



1. Thing/Office/Metal/Paper/Money= Clip

2. Thing/Dairy/Cracker/Brie/Rind= Cheese

(Cash Word)

Medicine /Blue/ E.D.= Viagra

3. Animal/ wings/ small/ honey/ Queen= Bee

(Speed Round)


Organ/Mind= Brain

Pottery-Earth= Clay

Small-Short= Dwarf

Joint-Arm= Elbow

4. Place/ City/ Southwest/ Desert/ Arizona= Phoenix



Laurie handler Pat Sajak episode #346-380 air date was march 3-7 1986

(Speed Round)

joint- leg= ankle

fire-scorch= burn

insane-psycho= crazy

move-tango= dance

gnome-small= elf

Nancy is new player

Technology/Communication/Sound/Cellular/Verizon= Telephone

Food/Organic/ Meat/ Bovine/Cow= Beef


Hero/ Kent/ Smallville= Superman

: Body/ Joint/ Arm/ Hand/ Watch= Wrist

(Speed Round)

Gorilla- Primate = Ape

Empty- Missing= Blank

Mean- Evil= Cruel

Water- Sink= Drain

Chicken- Yolk= Egg

Nancy won Greg is the new player


Super Password Lauri Hendle & Pat Sajak

entertainment visual recording tape vhs answer VCR

cash word house ceiling bulb light

words colors reference road legend maps

speed round

boat/weight anchor

money/vault bank

sweet/sugar candy

flower/petals daisy

money/budget economy

office writing graphite wood N2 pencil

geology water fresh inland Huron Lake

cash word

food green iceberg salad


(EGC: speed







(I don’t know where this belongs )

March 1-06

1. transportation fast air blade rotor answer is helicopter

Password speed round

1. Competition-sports-spectator-swing-driver=golf

2. Plant-leaves-tall-trunk-elm=tree

cash word


3 place-country-Europe-Olive-Rome= Italy

 breath/oxygen= Air




 planet/world= Earth

4. Thing-clothing-head-bill-baseball= hat


Super Password  Lauri Hendle/ Pat Sajak

1. entertainment/ visual /recording/ tape /vhs= VCR

cash word

house/ ceiling /bulb =light

2. words /colors/ reference/ road/ legend =maps

(Speed Round)

boat/weight =anchor

money/vault =bank

sweet/sugar =candy

flower/petals =daisy

money/budget =economy

3. office/ writing/ graphite /wood/ Number 2= pencil

4. geology /water/ fresh/ inland /Huron =Lake

cash word

food /green/ iceberg= salad


Super Password for 3/6/06

1. place/country/east/large/New Delhi= India

2. Entertainment/ TV/ Network/Cable/ Sports= ESPN


sport/pitch/bonds= baseball

3. food/healthy//skin/fruit/red= apple

speed round

 joint-leg= ankle

 farm-roof= barn

dairy-coffee= cream

wet-musty= damp

 bird-talon= eagle

4. energy/plant/toxic/atom/fusion= Nuclear


Super Password 3-8-06

1. Place/ state/ ocean/west/ Hollywood= California

(cash word)

Beverage-sweet-carbonated= Coke

2. Animal/pet/canine/small/white= Westie

3. Color/crayola/red/blue/royalty= Purple

(speed round)

Geometry- 90 degrees= angle


Taxi-fare= (? Tip)

Wood-outside= deck

Sound-repeat= echo

4. Cartoon/family/fox/son/skateboard= Bart

5. Money/contract/second/loan/home= Mortgage

Super Password 3-10-06

Cash word

Nutrition-beverage- Dairy= Milk

1. Moving/legs/slow/all fours/ground= Crawl

Speed Round

Plenty-bountiful= ample

Noise-loud= bang

Wood-stick= cane

Woman- distress= Damsel

Large-mammal= Elephant

2. Thing/natural/water/sand/waves= beach

3.Thing/animal/yellow/sing/bird= Canary

Players for Super Password is... 5-04-06

(She Ronda & Mary Lou)

Rd 1 Animal/ Water/ Bottom/ Crustacean/ Claw = Lobster

Cash Word

Body/ Clothing/ Torso = Shirt

Rd 2 Man/ Bible/ Jewish/ Egypt/ Red Sea = Moses

Speed round

Gorilla- Primate = Ape

Dark- Night = Black

Shell- Bivalve = Clam

Sin- Lucifer = Devil

Conclusion- Final = End

(Two New players.. Elizabeth and Loretta)

Rd 3 Human/ Internal/ Organ/ Head/ Cerebrum = Brain


Super password- 5-8-06

1. Military/ Human/ Rank/ 4 Star/ Leader= General

Speed Round

Metal-Blacksmith= Anvil

Baby- Delivery= Born

Miner- Stake= Claim

Liquid- Cup= Drink

Sound-Repeating= Echo

2. Nature/ Large/ Water/ Salt/ Pacific= Ocean

3. Movie/ Spielberg/ 80's/Haunting/ Carol Anne= Poltergeist

Cash Word

School/ Science/ Anatomy= Biology

the end

Super password 4-7-06

Joint- leg = ankle

Fire-scorch = burn

Insane-psycho = crazy

Move-tango = dance

Gnome-small = elf

Nancy is new player

Technology/Communication/Sound/Cellular/Version = Telephone

Food/Organic/ Meat/ Bovine/Cow = Beef


Hero/ Kent/ Smallville = Superman

Body/ Joint/ Arm/ Hand/ Watch = Wrist

Speed Round

Gorilla- Primate = Ape

Empty- Missing = Blank

Mean- Evil = Cruel

Water- Sink = Drain

Chicken- Yolk = Egg

(Nancy won/ Greg is the new player)

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Georgette & Judy
Forever Friends